Eve Diamond
Eve Diamond is an aerialist with over 25 years of experience in circus arts. Her love for circus started when she attended Circus Smirkus summer camp (Greensboro, Vermont USA) at age 12. That summer set the course for her life-long passion and admiration of everything circus. In 2011 she graduated from a three-year aerial training program in San Francisco, studying under some of the world’s top circus coaches (Elena Panova, Master Lui Yi). She continued her technical training in Montreal, Quebec Canada at Ecole Leotard, specializing in cloud swing under the direction of world renown coach Victor Fomin. Her performance career has taken her around the USA, Canada, Switzerland and Germany with Cirque du Soleil, Krystallpalast Variete Theatre, Circus Monti, the Acrobatic Conundrum, the Montreal Completement Cirque, Cirque Productions and more.